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Minerals Are Our World

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Technology and Experienced based services to help maximize your mineral recovery


©2012 PhySep Components and Service, Inc. - Geochemist, Jim Domenico, Founder of PhySep Components and Service

Physical separation is one of the main methods in recovering valuable minerals from an ore. PhySep Components and Service, known as PhySep, was established in 2012 as a means to continue supporting customers and colleagues in the physical separation process of mineral processing. Our professional and helpful staff has over 100 years of experience supporting our customers and various physical separation product lines.

PhySep provides support for a complete range of Physical Separation processes: Density (gravity), Electrostatic, Magnetic, Floatation, Solid-Liquid separation, Equipment, Spare Parts, Service and Repair.


Quality Products & Service

We are proud to announce that we are currently expanding into our new facility and updating our 2022 product line.


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